Huggy Bear (early 1990s) Taking the Rough with the Smooch (10″ LP) Kill Rock Stars (1993)

Huggy Bear

Taking the Rough with the Smooch 

Kill Rock Stars (1993)

Classic U.K. riot grrrl/boy punk…pissed off and raw stomp and spit, focused like a pistol, snatching up some of the pieces where folks like Crass  left off…this 10″ housing cuts from singles and EPs from the previous year or so.

Essential stuff for fans of girl punk.

— winch

Tight Bro’s: Lend You a Hand (Album) 2001

Tight Bro’s
Lend You a Hand
Kill Rock Stars







Proving that Girl Town ain’t just a bunch of nurd glasses and torn panties, this Olympia outfit puts ’70s hard rock through the punk-rock wringer, backs the Dodge van into the garage, the power-booster punched, the jams from the Supertuner blasting through a pair of speakers they stole from the drive-in, the Alice Cooper Group, AC/DC and even Led Zeppelin at their most basic, this band sporting their influences like patches on a jean jacket.  Another noteworthy set from the 21st Century.

— winch (author of Kalamazoo: Growing Up Sideways in the 1970s and the two-part novel Junk Like That.